Scam Prevention
Phishing Scam and Fraud Alert
We have not changed our banking details, email domain, and website domain. Excellence Wire Ind. Co., Ltd. will notify our customers of any change via email and make an official announcement in the news page. Our website is secured by a SSL certificate and protected by HTTPS. You can always verify the information on the website or confirm with us via email. Please make sure that our email domain is “@exw.com.tw” or “@mail.exw.com.tw” before you reach out to us.
Actions that are deemed to be fraudulent
Scammers spoof an email account or website, intercept emails, and disguise themselves as legitimate companies. Eventually, they make contact with their targets and create convincing emails that appear to come from trusted sources, including EXCELLENCE WIRE IND. CO., LTD. and even your bank.
Request to change the bank account number
Scammers are likely to request you to credit the amount payable to the new designated account.
Request to change the company name with your bank
Our full company name is “Excellence Wire Ind. Co., Ltd.” Any change request is considered suspicious.
Use a different email domain
An email domain is the part of the email address after the @ symbol. Scammers often use email names that are identical to the name of our employees and our email domain as a disguise. An example of a fraudulent email address is “excellencewire@exw.com.tw <excellenecwire@exw.bar>”. The actual email address is the part inside the <>, which is different from our email domain "@exw.com.tw”. The email name is the part that comes before <>. Scammers can change the email name at any time to make it seem genuine. Any discrepancy of the email domain from “@exw.com.tw” or “mail.exw.com.tw” is considered fictitious.
Use a fake and "Not Secure" HTTP website
EXW website is a “Secure” website with HTTPS. “https://www.exw.com.tw” is our full web address. HTTPS encrypts nearly all information between the website and your web browser.
Use a different website domain
A website domain is the part of the web address after "www." Our website domain is “exw.com.tw”.
The procedures which you should follow if a fraud is suspected
Excellence Wire will announce any change of our banking information and contact details via email. To further confirm this information, we will also make an official announcement in the news page.
- Carefully examine the domain of the email address. Excellence Wire only uses 2 email domains: “@exw.com.tw” or “@mail.exw.com.tw”. Any discrepancy is considered suspicious.
- Verify payment and purchase requests with us to make sure it is legitimate.
- Preserve the evidence and collect all pertinent information.
- Report to the police.
All instances of potential fraud will be investigated and reported to the law enforcement authorities.
Why you should report scams
Reporting phishing scams to the appropriate authorities is just as important as detecting them. Scams and frauds can cause direct monetary losses, damage to reputation, and loss of intellectual property.